About me, myself, and my photos



So i was taking one of those bus tour with my parent and my wife to the states for 4 days (3 nights)in the camera bag, i had my film cameras and my little G11 with a few flashes.

That is why i am away online for so many days.

of course. the picture from the film camera won’t be availiable any time soon. but most of the G11 pic are processed. and alot of them are strobed!

on the final day, the cloud got heavy with the blue sky behind, was at a service stop waiting. so i got got my gear out and took this.

[SP]:Travelling the strobist way

Strobist info. G11 with ND setting on, ISO80, 1/400 sec, f5.6.
Flash triggered with RF-602, one flash 430EX at 1/2 power at a very obvious location. then the sun is behind me behind the cloud.

More pic to come…

[HKD] [KISH] Strobist Workshop Test Run

We’ve been talking about we wanted to host a Strobist 102 workshop.
we did 101 a few time already, time to move up and go practical.
So last weekend, few of us decided to do a test run.
Organized a small scale workshop with 5 people only.

Strobist Workshop Sept 2010: Behind the scene

It was quite successful I think.
We hired one model, and XXOM also brought a friend. 

Read on to check out some of the model shots and test shot!! and find out how we think about the meetup
